Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy International World Water Day!

Water, I have learned, means different things to different people.

To the novelist D. H. Lawrence, water was mysterious. It is “hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is also a third thing, that makes it water and nobody knows what that is.”

To the anthropologist Loren Eiseley, water was supernatural: “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”

And to the ancient Greek poet Pindar, water was quite simply “the best of all things.”

But for millions of people in the developing world – especially women and girls – water means a daily struggle to trek to a source, carry fifty pounds of it home, and then hope against hope that drinking it won’t make a family member sick or die.

Click here to read "Reflections on a Thirsty Planet for World Water Day"

Please share in the comments - What does water mean to you?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Don't Miss the RainSoft Booth at the WQA Aquatech Convention

Attending the WQA Aquatech Convention in Las Vegas today? Visit the RainSoft booth 707 at 1pm for an innovative surprise!

Have Your Home Inspected to Make Sure Air Doesn't Cause Headaches

(NewsUSA) - Homeowners often assume that their homes are healthy -- but indoor spaces can be more heavily polluted than the air outside.

Poor indoor air quality can seriously impact health. Many chemicals, including formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are often found in homes and offices, can contaminate indoor air, leading to allergic reactions or chronic illness in certain individuals.

Click here to read more.

Looking for ways to contact a RainSoft Water Treatment dealer near you?

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What’s in the water in the Watertown, SD area? Find out with a FREE in-home water test from RainSoft!

Let one of our trained water treatment professionals assess your water treatment needs with a complimentary, in-home analysis of your water. Simply click here to fill out the Free Water Test Request form and we’ll do the rest!

About RainSoft Water Treatment Systems and Air Purification

RainSoft improves the Quality of Life for our customers and their families by offering them environmentally responsible air and water treatment solutions for their homes.

DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS that provide bottle-quality, crystal clear water for drinking and cooking…without the plastic bottle.

WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS that save money by reducing energy and soap consumption. Water-using appliances last longer, and bathing and shower has never felt better!

AIR PURIFICATION for the entire house, not just one room. RainSoft air purification products mount directly into the duct, providing protection and peace of mind…silently and out of sight.

It has been over 55 years since the first RainSoft water conditioner was sold from a small garage just outside of Chicago, Illinois. Since that day in 1953, RainSoft has become an industry leader in treating, filtering and softening water for well over one million homes and businesses throughout the world.

Welcome to Crystal Water Inc.’s Blogger Site!

Crystal Water Inc. was founded in November, 1993 by Steve and Katy Hansen in Watertown, SD. Today, we are proud to provide clean, quality RainSoft water and products to customers throughout northeast South Dakota and west-central Minnesota.

At Crystal Water Inc., we believe the customer is always right! We are proud to have received RainSoft’s Customer Satisfaction Award for every year we have been in business.

We offer water testing, systems installation, warranty service and salt delivery.

Contact Us:
815 Oakwood Road
Watertown, SD 57201
(605) 886-5933

Visit us online at: